- Keep praying- all that positive energy is felt by us and by him.
- Keep giving us hugs when you see us- the power of a good hug always feel great when there are no words to say. Especially to Mateo and Mason.
- Mason has been kinda grouchy from the meds - when you see him- he may not be his friendly self. Just put your hand on him- say hi- tell him you think he is a great guy. He may not give you a response but it can only help.
- Send him e-cards. He loves funny ones with music.
- Keep telling us about your lives. Life goes on and we want to be included and hear about you. The good and the bad- We care about how our friends are doing too!
- Keep including us in social things. As much as we can - we will try and be a part of the normal stuff. Ask Mason and Mateo for playdates-the more they feel a part of everything - the better.
- Remember we appreciate you all and are so grateful for your love and support.
I think about you and Mason a lot,as I see his pictures along with my son on our angels in heaven and on earth slideshow/video .
It is on my carepage , a few posts back... ( juliansworld )
Thanks Mimi- we appreciate your thoughts and prayers.
Danielle & Kirk
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