Tuesday, October 16, 2007

DC United raffle results

Clare Kelly of Children's National Medical Center won the DC United tickets, and other DC United items signed by Bobby Boswell. Clare has decided to offer the items she won to a family with soccer-loving children undergoing treatment at the hospital. Bravo to Clare!

Many thanks to our friends who put the raffle together and the many, many folks who bought tickets. Once again, your support is overwhelming!


The Breeder said...

I saw Mason's obit in the Washingto Post. I am so very sorry for your loss and can't imagine the pain you must be in -- and have been in over the last 15 months. I have been watching my friends help their 2 year old battle neuroblastoma (www.caringbridge.org/visit/towne). These children are truly amazing. Just reading that short obit about Mason made me want to learn more about him. Thank you for sharing his life.

Jim Adriance said...

Dear Kirk,
I just got the news about Mason's passing on. I remember very well our conversation about him during our long car ride here in Guatemala.

I am truly sorry for your loss of Mason and am inspired by his and your family's spirit in the face of this.

May God be with you, and may Mason continue to be with you and enrich your lives for all time.

Jim Adriance
Peace Corps Guatemala